The Tree of Life

Howdy! Hello! Aloha! Hi! Holaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Today is a beautiful sunny day in Vegas. We had one day that was overcast this week. It was a miracle. I think that normal people outside of Vegas might find me crazy, but I love clouds now. When the clouds are out that means that it is at least 5 degrees cooler!

President and Sister Neider have left now :( We will receive President and Sister Snow straight from the MTC tomorrow. I am excited to be here during this transition...and who knows...maybe we will get i pads! 

Sister Herman and I had a great week this week. We were able to meet with people we have been trying to contact all last transfer. It has been such a miracle. One of those people is Sister Byington. Her husband passed away a year ago and she has struggled coming to church recently. We were able to have the coolest experience with her. Soooo... for Christmas, my Dad sent me a bunch of crafty stuff. Most people have this idea that real men are not crafty, but that is not true. He sent me little object lessons and things to use with investigators and members. One of those was little paper kites that have the phrase "Commandments are like kite strings: they might seem to hold you down but they actually help you fly." When sharing the kite, I always like to use Mosiah 2:41 about the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. Anyway...while we were meeting with Sister Byington, I felt impressed to share it with her. Afterwards everything about her changed. She was smiling, happy, and she had a new determination to share this little kite with the whole ward. She decided that she was going to make tons of copies and hand them out to people. It was so cute. I know that message we shared with her was exactly what she needed! I just had to follow that Spirit. 

I am so grateful that I have had this time to serve with Sister Herman. It is kind of crazy, but a lot of my really good friends have come from Texas, maybe because it is such a big state! I also find it odd that everyone from Texas loves being from Texas. They have a lot of Texas pride. Sister Herman and I have discussions about that regularly. Now we are trying to develop some Vegas Valley pride. It is pretty much the best area ever.There is so much work to be done here.There are so many people to teach that we really have to pick and choose. We had to drop tons of people this week because it just wasn't their time. It's like planting seeds but better. We are firing up the members to generate referrals from them. Those ones are usually the most golden.

 I have been working on studying the Book of Mormon but instead of reading it cover to cover I have been letting the Spirit guide me on what chapter I should read each day. Today was especially powerful. I was reading Alma 5 and I came across a verse at the end that I had never noticed before. It is verse 52: 

And again I say unto you, the Spirit saith: Behold, the ax is laid at the root of the tree; therefore every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire, yea, a fire which cannot be consumed, even an unquenchable fire. Behold, and remember, the Holy One hath spoken it.

That really struck me. We all can be judged based on the fruits that come off our tree. Are we a sour cherry that doesn't like to be kind? Are we a green apple that is judgmental? Well if we are, then this scripture says that we will be cut down. I want to be the fruit of the tree of eternal life. I want what I say to be delicious and uplifting. I want to radiate God's love. 

1 Nephi 11:25

 25 And it came to pass that I beheld that the rod of iron, which my father had seen, was the word of God, which led to the fountain of living waters, or to the tree of life; which waters are a representation of the love of God; and I also beheld that the tree of life was a representation of the love of God.

I know that that is what we can be creating with our lives. Our tree can be the Love of God. People will be able to feel that, we just have to talk to them and get to know them.

Now time for Questions of your SOULS:

What are your plans for the 4th?
EAT HAMBURGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yum. Maybe see a firework of two before we go in for the night at 9. OH!!! and watermelon is on the agenda.

What advice would you give on studying Preach My Gospel?
Pick a favorite color thin tip sharpie and a highlighter and take notes on your favorite things. Mark it up. Go crazy.

What article did you like this week?

How are things going with you fear of dogs?
Fear magnified by 10 in this area. The struggle is real. There will be not dog in my heavenly mansion. 

Well I hope that your week is swell :)
Don't forget to study the scriptures and have meaningful prayers, that is what I am trying to do!



Sister Tucker

Kissy and Sister Herman, both one legged!

My companion :) She dyed her hair red!

What we eat...everyday. I think it is very fitting for the 4th of July.


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