Well Hello!

In case you didn't know, I have shins of steel...I even have a story to prove it.
This week we had morning sports, which is where Elders and Sisters come together at a ridiculously early time in the morning to play games that are supposedly exercise.
On Friday we played chair soccer.
Chair soccer is a dumb sport where you are the goalie of your own chair and if anyone kicks the ball at your chair you are out. Sister Herman and I grudgingly agreed to play. (We are basically just basketball fans.)
Anyway…one thing led to another and for some reason I ended up with the ball. It was very odd for me to have the ball because usually the Elders hog it.
I was kind of puzzled as to what to do with the ball, so I went towards my companion and her chair. Heaven knows that if I had gone for an Elders chair I would have had the ball stolen! I was not going to do that.
So…as I was dribbling (very poorly) towards Sister Herman the thought occurred to me, “Why are you going up against your companion? You are her friend.” But alas…it was too late. Just as I was about to kick the ball at her chair, Sister Herman, who was naturally defending her chair, goes to kick the ball away for me….AND THEN SHE NAILED ME IN THE SHIN!
It was obviously an accident and I got a bruise….but poor Sister Herman broke her toe and we weren’t even playing barefoot.
Lucky for me now, I get to do tons of service. Rap toes, ice feet, carry bags…it is quite fun. I love to serve my companion because she is just so wonderful. She is such a nice person and she is always very grateful.
Today at Walmart, she got to ride around in the automatic cart thingy! It was awesome! She did not run into a single thing! It was like she was born to ride it.
Well, that was the most eventful thing that happened this week. There was a doctor in another ward that looked at her toes and said that her big toe was cracked at the base. It may take a few weeks to heal. I felt just like my mother when we went to see him. I was asking him tons of questions like “How often can she take her medicine? How long does she need to ice it? How should she wrap it?” It was sort of a weird experience to hear me sound like my Mom…but it was also really cool because my Mom is awesome.

Speaking of Mom’s, yesterday was Father’s day! Whoop Whoop! I celebrated by convincing the Elder’s Quorum that my crippled companion and I needed some of the Great Harvest Chocolate Chip Cookies that they were passing out. It was great…and tasty. I must say that my Father’s day was pretty boring compared to Mother’s day. It’s too bad that they don’t let us call home for both….but we got to see President Neider yesterday. He happened to be doing some interviews at the church building and he came looking for Sister Herman. He told her to take it easy…but that is not very easy. Do you know how hard it is to proselyte with crutches? Me neither…but it looks pretty hard. She is so tough.

That was the last time that we will see President Neider. We had Zone Conference with him and it was powerful! He and Sister Neider are so inspiring. Someone asked them what they will do after they go home and they said that they want to go on a proselyting mission! How cool is that! They just spent 3 years on this mission and now they want to go on another! Wow! We sang “God be with you till we meet again” at the end of the Zone Conference…that is such an evil song. It makes everyone cry! Let’s just say that we will all miss them a lot, but we are looking forward to the New Mission President.
Even with all the craziness that went on this week Sister Herman and I were still able to have lots of success! We taught 21 lessons to nonmembers and 14 lessons to recent convers and members. That is a total of 35 lessons! Not too shabby. We saw so many miracles this week. We have been teaching this youth named Christian. He has a friend that is a member of our ward. We would visit this member’s family pretty regularly so the member started inviting Christian to listen. On Saturday we invited him to be baptized and he said “I have been waiting for you all to ask me that.” Oh my! Who says that?!?!?!? I was just beaming from ear to ear! I love moments like that :)
MEK are all doing well! They pray every day that they will be able to get baptized! They want to have the Holy Ghost in their lives. We also had another miracle. We found a golden new investigator. Marlene. She grew up Catholic and she is having open heart surgery today. We met with her on Thursday and she came to church yesterday. She believes that this is the path she should take. and....OH YES IT IS!!!! I am so grateful that Heavenly Father put her in our path. He knew that she would need guidance and comfort during this hard time in her life and He knew that her heart was humble....(and needed fixing :)) Just kidding!

This week I have been reading 2 Nephi 9 over and over again. I think it might be a new favorite! I hope you all will read it!
Questions of your souls:
Is your area near the location where the Mormon Police Officer was shot?
-Yep just across that street. Didn't even know what happened. Let's just say it's not the best part of town. Good thing we are not out late a night!
What is your favorite thing to do to relax after a crazy missionary day?
-Wash my face, brush my teeth and go to bed.
What do you and Sister Herman have in common?
-Everything! We like the same things :) movies, music, scriptures, quotes!!! It is so great!



Sister Tucker


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