"At least it was good in my dreams"



I was asked to give a talk on Sunday about "How has the Priesthood influenced my life" um...um...um...let's just say I was pretty nervous! It is actually quite an amazing thing that I was asked to speak on that topic. A month ago, I was given a blessing by the Bishop in my former area (I was sick with a crazy eye thing, and I am much better now)  in which he said that I would come to gain my own testimony of the restored priesthood. Honestly, I had never really studied about it very much, but after that blessing I was hooked. I tried to find something everyday about the priesthood. Anyway...the night before I was to give my talk, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was giving my talk to a full chapel of people. There was a lot of commotion in the room but it didn't bother me. As I was speaking I made good eye contact, smiled, and spoke at a pretty normal pace. Near the end of my talk, I looked up and saw the bishop in my old area sitting in the back smiling. The talk went wonderfully! I woke up so at peace and grateful for that tender mercy of the Lord...then I said to myself "If my talk stinks today at least it was good in my dreams." Hahahah! 

I told that to Sister Herman and it made her laugh so I figured it would make y'all laugh too!

This past week was great! I enjoyed going to the temple, having a zone training meeting , doing tons of service, and going to a Why I Believe Fireside! This week is Zone Conference will be the last time we will see President Neider....(I CRY LIKE A BABY!!!!)

I will tell you about a family that we are teaching right now...Grandma Shirley, Mia, Evelyn, and Kissy. I will from now on refer to them as MEK pronounced Em-Me-Kay. They are all awesome! The Grandma was baptized a few years ago and now she is helping her granddaughters get baptized. We get to see them literally everyday. We have been teaching them through object lessons since their age ranges from 8-15. Fun fact: they have a dog house in the back that has a statue of the Virgin Mary in it. We were trying for weeks to go over the second commandment about not bowing down to false idols...turns out they are renting the house and that gem came with it :) Hahah! Oh the joys of being a missionary! 

We have so many youth that we are teaching in this area! Sadly, their parents will not let them get baptized! It is discouraging but at the same time we know that the Lord can soften those parents hearts :) It is just in his timing!

Suggested Reading: 
This months Ensign...an article called "Priesthood Power-Available to All by Linda K. Burton

The Questions of Your Souls:

Any goals for the last 20 weeks of your mission? What is your focus right now?

I have a goal to work harder than ever! Find more, teach more, baptize more, bike more, and love more! I am focused on reading from the Book of Mormon everyday and from Preach My Gospel. Those are the fundamentals! It's all back to the basics :)

Ashley and Bryce went to the temple this past weekend.  What do you love about the temple?

Everything! I love that it is so quiet and that there is time to stop, ponder, and pray. I love trying to take in and remember everything about the ordinances! I want to be a temple worker in the future! I think that is my future all time dream service calling!

Are you getting many opportunities to ride your bike in your new area?

Yes, Our bike rack is currently broken...it's always something!

Any advice for Ashley Jane as she graduates from high school this week?

Give everyone a hug and a smile! It may be the last time you see them in real life (there is always facebook.) Smile really big when you get your diploma...that picture will go down in history!

What is the biggest source of comfort for you?

The Book of Mormon. In the past, when I have had really hard nights (like not being able to fall asleep or feeling sick) I have gone to the couch and just read the Book of Mormon. I think that it has healing properties :) There are very rare occasions when I have not had the opportunity for personal study time, but when it's happened, I walk around the whole day feeling spiritually drained because I didn't get a chance to read the Book of Mormon. I don't like to read it super fast and I just take my time. I feel like the scriptures is how the Lord answers my prayers!

I love you all so much!
Stay Sweet!


Sister Tucker

 THE BRUNO BAPTISM! One of the most special day of my mission!

  The Roach family fellowshipped them!

 At the temple! Our favorite place!

A Castle in MY AREA!!!! HECK YES! When the British Elder in my district saw this he said "That's an odd place to put a king!" AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!

 At sisters training meeting with my besties!

 SISTER BERGER! She is leaving in a transfer :( She is our sister training leader!
 The stop go sign in our area! Ghetto fresh!


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