

Have I told you all how much I love you lately?

This week has been a great week in the Nevada Las Vegas Mission. I am so proud to be a missionary here. The people are ready, open, and loving. In North Las Vegas we have seen tons of success.

The new companionship is going just dandy. Although I miss Sister Furstenau, I am adjusting well to serving with Sister Parkinson. We compromise very well and we strive to always be exactly obedient. Something that I love about her is how many great ideas she has brought to the area. We are working right now on what things we want to keep and what things we want to change. For example, how to work with members and strengthen the ward, or different types of daily contact. It is going really well.

I miss my old district a lot but the new district is pretty awesome :) Elder Ca$h is now the district leader and his trainings are really super great!

We have a recent convert family in El Rancho that is getting sealed for time and all eternity on Saturday. We are so excited for them. They have helped so much with the missionary work in the ward and the fact that they are getting sealed almost a whole year after their baptism is such a testimony builder.

We also have an investigator right now that is very interesting...(her picture is attached :)) Maria is half Spaniard and half Puerto Rican. She loves the missionaries and she would often call Hermana Furstenau and I, Jesus Angels. She was a street contact from the Elders and we have known her for a few weeks now. Last week she was diagnosed with cancer. When we went over she was sick and her countenance was very sad and depressed. We tried to life her spirits and help her feel the comfort of the Atonement. Eventually our conversation led into the Priesthood and she asked for a Priesthood blessing. We called the Elders right then and there and they came right over. The blessing was incredible. Afterwards Maria was just crying...then she started speaking a gibberish chant. It was freaky, and weird, and a little funny. But now she understands that the gift of tongues is a blessing to all. Anyway...She has a baptismal date now and she is so ready :) LIFE IS GOOD!!!!

I am so excited about the Mission tour that we have tomorrow. I know that I will be uplifted and edified by the words spoken by Elder Anderson and Elder Callister. I have be focusing my personal study sessions on receiving revelation so that as I attend the conference, I will have an open heart and mind. 

I love you all!
Hermana Justine Juliet Tucker

ps i tried really hard to write a lot today :)

 First new comp pics :)

The strip!


 Mercedes Pais!!!!

 Chocolate chip pancakes:)

 REUNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so sweet.

 The Elders!!!! miss them :) Marquez and Hernandez... viva Mexico

Rainbow and


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