20 Blessings

Today I turned 20 years old. Crazy. 2 whole decades. In some ways I still feel like I am 6 :) because when I was 6, I never thought I would eventually turn 10, and when I was 10, I never thought I would be 20....BUT LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!!! Ahhhhh :) It still blows my mind.

Today I want to list 20 things I am grateful for in my life:
  1. My family. My eternal family. My whole entire family. From cousins to grandparents. They mean more than the world to me and it fills me with joy to know that we are sealed together forever.
  2. My mom. Can't really say more then that or else I will cry a lot...and I can't do that because the people at the library will think I am crazy....but she is that best ever. She has been an example of love and integrity to me for my whole life.
  3. My dad. Hahahah :) I just think about him and I laugh....not in a bad way :) He has filled my life with a lot of laughter. I think that was his goal. :)
  4. My sissy. I only have one sister but she is literally the best sister. Her testimony makes me strong.
  5. My brother Bryce. He is so smart and fun. He teaches me things all the time.
  6. My brother Gavin. He has been a ray of sunshine in my life.
  7. The restored gospel. I know that the true church of Jesus Christ has been restored. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only church and that the Priesthood authority is again on the earth.
  8. Everyone who has ever taught and loved me. I feel like I have learned so much. I have much more to learn too, but I am grateful to those that have taught me about faith, the gospel, kindness, dance, education, music, laughter, singing, and service.
  9. The opportunity to experience life and to gain a body. With that I am grateful that I am so healthy....well I'm not sure how healthy it is to eat tortillas, rice and beans everyday, but I can't really say no :) So I just love it!
  10. The time I had at BYU-Hawaii. I learned a lot and made some of the best friends ever. Those friends are the best ever and they will be my sisters forever.
  11. The scriptures. I feel like the revelations I receive in my life always come from the scriptures. I love the word of God.
  12. Temples. They are beautiful inside and out. The peace there fills my soul. I will never forget the day I first went through the temple.
  13. The places I've been. From Hawaii to Germany. Every place has its own beauty and memories :)
  14. Pictures. I love pictures. And each picture that I have carries a memory. I am so glad that I could be the first child and have my life so well documented :)
  15. Dance. Dance has blessed me so much. I love dancing and teaching dance and watching dance.
  16. Singing. I love singing. I sing in the car. In the street. In the shower. At Church. Everywhere. 
  17. My home. North Carolina, Hawaii, and Las Vegas...but especially my home in North Carolina. My parents have done so much to make it a place where love is spoken and where the spirit resides. 
  18. Prayer. I love communicating with God and I love the peace that I receive during happy and hard times.
  19. Work. I love working and I have especially loved working with great people.
  20. This mission. I have never learned so much about my Savior than I have on my mission. And there have been so many people who have taught me so much while I have been here. From Carlos and his courage to change his life, to Maria and her step of faith to be baptized even though her family did not support her, and Charo with her stuggles. To see the light of Christ change their lives has strengthened my testimony. 
My theory is you can cry about things or you can dance about things. I choose to dance, and laugh, and sing because I love life and I have loved every single one of my 20 years :)

I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for the love and support :)

Hermana Tucker
  My zone bought me a birthday cake! They are the best!!!

Totally a missionary cake!

 Dart wars!

I love, love, love the pictures! So cute!  You have the best ideas! Thanks so much for the emails, cards and gifts!  Thank you!!! 



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