Dear lovelies!

DEAR LOVELIES!!!!!!!!!! 

This week has been amazing! We have had lots of success. We have met with a lot of new investigators and I feel like my Spanish is really coming along. I am so excited to have transfers. I will now be serving with Sister Parkinson. (She is blonde and has been out six weeks more than I.) I know that me and my new companion will get along well and have much success/happiness/joy/awesomeness.  I feel grateful for the opportunity to continue serving in North in the El Rancho Ward. I love all the people here. I hope you all enjoy the pictures I have been taking with the members!!! They are incredible :) I will be sending out postcards soon :) Be excited!!!!!


Have a Great week!


Hermana Tucker


 Cute Mexican apartments.

 ELDER CHACON HAUNTS US!!!! Elder Marquez hid this picture in our car when he drove it to bring it to us....we screamed so loud!!!!

He also hid a picture he took of us!!!
 Messy service!!

 Us with Hermana Garcia :)

 The Maas family!!!! they feed us papusas :) Yum! (I actually like tortillas now.)

 The Vazquez family!!

BEKAH WILL BE HERE ON WEDNESDAY!!!! I get to see her next week!

 Us with Luli Luna...she is a very funny lady...totally JW to the core...doesn't like that we call God Heavenly Father.
 Hermana Gomez :)


 Andrade Family!
 Zupas :)


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