Could my life get any better?


This week has just been completely amazing. I don't think life could get any better. I think I feel the way Ammon did in Alma 26:11 which says "But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God." Joy Joy Joy! Just pure joy!!!! Carlos was baptized this week and it was amazing to be a part of that!!! The hand of God has played a big role in his baptism. I feel so humbled to have been able to teach him.

Sister Justine Juliet Tucker

PS I will send a letter! Sorry this is so short!!! there is just not enough time in the world!!! bye :) LOVE YOU TONS!


 The family!!!

The whole crew with Myrell Delimont who baptized him...great guy!!!!

A gift from the family.

  I love it!

More photos...
Hey...I like your toe tan #saidnobodyever

Sushi!?!?!?! Really tasty.... and my whole dinner was free! There were some members that saw us, the sister missionaries, and said, "Let us pay for you!!! We love you!!!" It was super great. They also payed for us to get Cold Stone :) Of course I got my favorite!!! Banana with oreos!!!

The Sunset on the way to Henderson for exchanges. 

I MADE BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I cut out all the outside pieces and just ate the middle. Like a true Tucker. 

This is a man who lives on his bike. #nuffsaid


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