sunrise surprise

well hello! i love you all so much.

i am so glad that i have this time to write and reflect on this last week! let me tell you about it.

this week has been a sunrise surprise because i have been surprised by how much i have loved sunrise stake/zone! i was very surprised to get transferred, but i am really grateful that i did. 
so far i have met so many amazing people. elect people. people i was meant to teach and find. members that i have really connected with and most of all, an incredible companion. sister decoster really has it together and i love her. i thought that my mission would follow the typical pattern that it has had for the last 16 months (4 transfers in every area. 2 transfers with every companion), but i am honestly grateful that it did not. if i had not been transferred then i would have missed out on all these blessings!

sometimes i get a little overwhelmed having to learn everything about this area and trying to do the daily checklist and all, but then i see that i just need to take it one step at a time and enjoy everything that i have going on right now. that is a key to happiness: enjoying the blessings while you have them! this sunday in gospel principles class, we learned about service and the teacher showed this video: You Never Know . it is a mormon message and i think that it depicts really well the aspect of our lives that we don't even see. i love it :)

speaking of this sunday it was amazing! we had 4 great investigators at church! all of them are set to get baptized in the next month. it was also the PRIMARY PROGRAM! #favoritesunday. they sang this adorable new song that i loved called "The Family Is of God." i'm glad lots of investigators could be there because the spirit is always so strong. There were a couple of people from my last area that went to my new ward by chance and it was such a blessing to see them! Also...terisa came to church. we had been trying all week to see her and nothing was changing....but sister decoster is super inspired and we went to try her right before church and she was there! it was a miracle! terisa has had a really hard life of let downs. she told us that she was so excited to come to church and that we finally found her! Heavenly Father always looks out for his children!

also!!!!! we sang at the why i believe fireside! it was the same song that sister nichols and i did in sacrament meeting a few weeks ago but we added sister decoster's and sister eager's voices. i was surprised that i wasn't  nervous...i should have been considering how many people were there, but i had my two awesome comps by my side! :) i found out from sister nichols that the garcia family is doing great! max decided to ask his boss if he could have sundays off so that he can come to church. the whole family is set to be baptized together next month! i am really stoked to be able to go back and see them! when i left the area they gave me a gift and a picture and alissa cried! it was so sad to leave them but i am happy that they are still progressing!

guess what?!?!?! i am finally in a district with other sisters! that has not happened my entire mission!!! and guess who is in my district?!?!?!?! SISTER CRANE!!!!!!!!!!! Which means that we get to do exchanges together!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! i've always told president how much i want to serve with her and he made it happen! he is the best!!!! last night all the missionaries in the sunrise stake were invited to the stake president's house for an expectation meeting and for cookies and ice cream. sister crane and i reminisced about cookies in the caf and we talked about how Hawaii seemed like just a dream! she is such a great missionary! i feel sorry for all our other friends who don't get that on their missions!

now time for.....
questions of the soul:
1.what is your new area like?
-it is the best of vegas! it is right by the temple. literally the chapel that we meet at shares the same parking lot. it also has a humbler side which is great for finding awesome people that are ready and prepared!
2. what is your companion like?
-sister decoster is a boss. she works hard. she is super diligent. she loves music. she emulates love to everyone! she knows her stuff. i love being with her and i am excited to learn so much from her. we are a lot alike!
3. what is the apartment like?
-you can tell that it was at one time possessed by elders. there is an abundance of drawings of dinosaurs around the house and things really don't match at all. we will fix that :)

I hope that you all have a great week! i know that as we learn more about the Savior everyday it gives us the power to become more like Him every single day. 


sister tucker

This is the plan of salvation game that we created! This is our investigator Dorian. His mom is our other investigator and she took the pictures. The fellow-shippers that came with us were the Howards.


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