HELLO LAST TRANSFER #isthisreallife?

Hello my beautiful family and friends. :) :) :)

so this is it!
the last transfer has come. 
i have decorated my last missionary planner.
i have 2 more why i believe firesides.
1 more fast sunday.
6 more weeks.
and 40 something days.

i can choose to be a mess over it and worry all the time about how weird i will be when i go home and wonder if i will have any friends or how i will spend my time...or i can enjoy the rest of the ride. i am super excited for this last transfer. i've been trained, i've been taught. i have all the tools that i need. i know how to be bold and loving. this transfer is going to the the best of them all because i am going to make it that way :)

i think you all probably have lots of questions right now so i guess that means it is time for

 QUESTIONS OF THE SOUL with sister tucker:


I will tell you. for my very last transfer in the nevada las vegas mission........................DRUM ROLL..................................................................
 I AM GETTING TRANSFERRED TO THE SUNRISE STAKE IN THE MOUNTAIN VISTA AND MORNING SUN WARDS IN THE CENTRAL/SUNRISE ZONE. MY NEW COMPANION WILL BE SISTER DECOSTER AND I WILL BE LEAD SISTER TRAINING LEADER.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! i guess the Lord uses the weak to bring to pass his purposes! i have very mixed emotions about this. i am happy for a new mission start, but at the same time....I WILL MISS EVERYONE IN VEGAS VALLEY AND WINTERWOOD WARDS!!!!! it really isn't fair to have to go some place new for my very last transfer....but when was anything fair???? i know for a fact that there is a reason that i need to be in these new wards...i just don't quite know what that reason is yet! I am looking forward to finding it out.

2. How are exchanges going?
I went on exchanges with Sister Mayfield in the Villa Bonita Ward this last week. She is amazing. She really has it all together. She is just such a wonderful down-to-earth person and she knows how to teach well. I learn so much from the examples of others.
I also went on exchanges with Sister Jeronimo in Paraiso!!! She is really incredible! She was on top of everything and she had a good handle on things. I know she will continue to do great work!

3. What was a miracle this last week for you and Sister Nichols? 
We have a family of 5 getting baptized next month! It is such a blessing. We have been praying for this family to come along for a few months. Their baptism is going to be wonderful. They are so elect. The Spirit is working wonders in their life right now. Their name is the Garcia family. The parents are Becky and Max and the kids are Max, Anthony, and Alissa :) Tonight we will be teaching them how to do a FHE :) Last night we had a lesson with them and they were all really excited to see us. the dad welcomed us in but said that his team (the 49ers) were playing right then sooooooo he couldn't stay and listen. We were kind of bummed but we had his son Max down for the lesson for the first time....WHICH WAS AWESOME! then not 20 minutes later Max (the dad) comes down stairs and he says...."I just really felt like I need to be here for this. Something inside of me was telling me to come down. I want to get baptized."...............WOW!!!!!! Oh my goodness! Best MOMENT of my LIFE!!!!! They said that they would pray about a baptism date. Right now Max works on Sundays....so pray that he will be able to get Sundays off! I love this family so much.

4. What quote have you used most on your mission?
 I found this meme on lds.org!

"Your Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there." -President Monson


I love you all!

Have a great week!


Sister Tucker

MY FAVORITE FAMILY!!!!! THE GARCIAS!!!! They plan on getting baptized next month! :)
 My beautiful fun companion!
 I will miss Diana!  She is such a sweetheart!
 I finally made the perfect chocolate chip cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!


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