21 TOMORROW. What is life?

Hello everyone!!!!
just so you know....I AM LOVING LIFE!!!!

soooo...today has been super amazing :) we got a car wash, ate some good food, went shopping, and now i am here emailing you!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is birthday eve.
some people hate their birthdays and they walk around all sad because they are turning one year older...but I LOVE ALL BIRTHDAYS! i love to celebrate them and make them a great day! so that is what i am going to do :)

 Here is an update: We had a good week and it just keeps getting better! We went on two exchanges this past week. I got to be with Sister Espinosa and Sister Hirsch. They are amazing sisters. They are bold and they are trying hard to apply what they have learned in recent trainings. I loved being with Sister Espinosa. She is wonderful at having powerful street contacts. I learned about having a 24 hour smile from her. She is so good at that! She told me "'adam fell that men might be and men are that they may have joy.' inform your face. smile!" I love that! I was also with Sister Hirsch. She is darling and she is loving her area. She has had a hard couple transfers and she sees this one as such a blessing. She loves,loves, loves serving with Sister Crane. Who wouldn't?!? She is awesome. She is so good at being happy in the moment! See there, I learn so much from my sisters. This quote explains my sisters:

we had a couple of crazy things happen this week.
we saw:
the andersons
free man
& terisa
i think i might even be forgetting a few.

these are all the people we are teaching! See why my life is crazy! Each of them has a light that needs to be fed. good thing i am a pyro :)

our toilet exploded this week! my awesome comp fixed it. i can do spiders but i don't do toilet guts...so we made a compromise! a

Now time for questions of your soul:
What baptisms are coming up for you?
-Bob is getting baptized soon! He even moved up his date to Oct 18th :)
What did you like about the Woman's Broadcast?
-I loved Sister Marriott's talk. Sometimes i feel like I can relate to the experience she had in the temple. I love how she said that the only way she could overcome her selfishness was though the Savior! That was powerful! I am excited that they talked so much about the temple! i get to go twice this month! Once with my comp and once with my parents! i love them :)
What are you doing for your birthday?
-the gublers are taking me and my comp to ihop and we are doing some service for a member in the afternoon! we are also going to teach a bunch of people :) yay!!!!!

this week i am focusing on preparing for conference because it is going to be mega revelation :) i am coming to the table with two questions in mind and i am going to be praying for answers everyday! you should do it to!!! and then while it is going on i am going to take some boss notes!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sister Tucker

 sister decoster and i :)

 the sisters....minus one companionship

 exchanges with sister hirsch! we had fun!
 the sweet daughters of our investigators!!! they loved my hair. this was right before the broadcast!

where i live.

 the temple at night!

the sunset on the mountain!


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