Hey Y'all!
How's it going?
just want to tell you how much I love being a missionary. Yesterday we
were at an investigators house (Michelle and her 4 kids) and she made a
comment that I looked really tired. Truth is I am really tired...and I
started telling her all the things that I had done that day. She was
pretty amazed and then she asked how long we we serve as a missionary. I told
her that it was for 18 months. Then naturally she wondered how long I
had been out....and the answer is 16 months TODAY!!!! She was pretty
shocked! Then I testified of all the peace and joy and comfort and
strength that it brings me to be a missionary and I realized that no
matter how hard it is and no matter how long the days are, that
throughout my mission I have been filled. Now I feel almost full. Not in
a food way, but with the spirit. There was a hole inside of me that
only a mission could fill. Now it is filled with love....wow...that
sounds super mushy and all...but I mean it!
This had been a super week! Let me just tell you a little bit about it!
the bad but good new: Richard did not get baptized...he tripped up a
little on the word of wisdom. Please pray for him!!! He needs an extra
boost :) But....it has turned out to be a good thing because he has more
of a desire to get baptized and be completely smoke free! God is so
good! I am really glad that he did not get offended and that he was able
to repent right away. He is such a great guy....SO LOOK OUT WORLD!!!!
Richard is getting baptized next week!
some really good news: WE FOUND 2 FAMILIES TO TEACH!!! They are
so elect and ready for the gospel. One of the families has 5 that are of
baptism age! What a blessing :) It is pretty much every missionary's
dream to find a family to teach before they go home. I guess you
could say that I am living the triple dream! Hopefully those dreams will
become happily ever after!!!! Yep, yep, yep!
tell you...President Snow is so super awesome! He is really, really
great. He had an interview with Sister Nichols and after talking for a
while he said that she needed to go to the temple...and what happens
when your comp goes to the temple?!?!?!?! YOU GET TO GO WITH
HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!! Life is so good! We already went once at
the beginning of the transfer but we got to go again! Best day ever!
another highlight, Sister Nichols and I had a really wonderful Sunday.
President and Sister Snow spoke in one of our wards this last Sunday and
it just blew us away. It was exactly what the ward needed and what they
were focusing on as a goal. In between the two talks, Sister Nichols and I sang a
medley...it was to tune of Come thou Fount with the first verse from
Joseph Smith's First Prayer. Second verse from Brightly Beams of Father's
Mercy, and third verse was Called to serve. It was awesome! I am very glad
that I did not start tearing up :) Our next gig will the Why I Believe
Questions of the soul:
What do you love most about being a Sister Training Leader?
they are so fun! I feel like I now have a new little group of friends!
The sisters I cover are so amazing and powerful! I learn so much from
them on exchanges!
What do you like about your new mission president Preident Snow?
like that he let us go to the temple this week! I like that he is
always smiling and that he tells Sister Nichols and I all of the mission
secrets! It is wonderful to be in the know!
What about Sis. Snow?
She is a hoot! She loves everyone and is just like a super nice and understanding grandma!
What can we do to help celebrate your birthday at the end of this month?
can tell me some favorite Justine moments that would make me laugh and
remind me of special things that I may have forgotten :)
How's it going covering over 2 wards?
is crazy!!! But it is also really wonderful! I love it and I never want
to go back to just covering one ward. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO DO!
I love reading the Book of Mormon. It literally brings me peace everyday :)
This next week will be insane...MLC, Zone Conference. Exchanges. ZTM!!!! Ahhhhhh! I am super excited. It will fly :)
I love you all so so so so much!
Sister Tucker
Our district!
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