Sister Training Leader SAY WHAT?!?!

Hello Hello Hello!!!

How is everyone doing?

Sounds like you all doing pretty well!

I am way over my head right now...let me give you a little taste of what we are doing this coming week. 

Tuesday- Going to the Nevada Las Vegas Temple. 
I am so, so, so excited about it!
I have lots of things to pray about and my heart is just so full of excitement to be able to go there and meditate. 

Wednesday- District meeting...that is usually very interesting! I always try to learn something...and when I do, it is usually awesome! I love district leaders that incorporate other missionaries into there training. It keeps it real.

Thursday- MY FIRST EXCHANGE AS A SISTER TRAINING LEADER!!! I'm a little nervous. I just need to remember that I am new at this thing and that the Lord will help me help other sisters. I WILL BE GREAT!!!!!

Friday- SISTERS CONFERENCE!!!! Sister Nichols and I will be training about Good, Better, Best priorities in missionary work. It will mostly focus on what the Lord's will is for us as Sisters and how to magnify that calling. I am looking forward to learning through this opportunity to train.

Saturday- ANOTHER EXCHANGE! I will get to go to a Spanish area for a day. That will be loco.

So this is all of what is to come! It will be such a crazy blast! This transfer is going to go by so quick with weeks like these :)

We had a lot of miracles this week. We talked to tons of people and our new ward (Winterwood) is totally awesome. The members here love us and we love them too! I know that this is exactly where the Lord wants me to be. We were able to acquire some new investigators from our new ward. We are just so blessed.

One miracle in particular was a new investigator named Richard. He is so elect. It is amazing to hear him talk about his Book of Mormon reading. He loves to read about the conflicts between Laman and Lemuel and Nephi. He does a great commentary of how everything goes down. He says something like this:

"Yo Nephi...I don't know why he takes all that teasin' from his homies. They be all like 'You can't build no boat!' Then they be like 'Yo Nephi! Can we catch a ride? Man we know we ain't get you no wood but come on!' And Nephi still takes them!" -Richard

It is so funny!!!!!!

 This shows me that he is actually understanding what he is reading and that he is applying it to his life.

We saw Mia and Kissy this week. No progress so far, but we were able to share a message with them :) They miss Sister Herman a lot. They even made her a card! I miss her too!

I love being with Sister Nichols! She has been a leader in the mission since December, so she really knows her stuff. I have so much to learn from her and she helps me out of love. Every single day of every week is going to be jammed with tons of things to do. I guess we are diving right into it! Forget about just getting your feet wet!

I am really striving to study obedience everyday. I have found so many examples of obedience in the Book of Mormon! It is great to see how obedience proceeds understanding and spirituality. 


Is your new comp awesome, crazy, or real?
-All the above #mostlyawesome
Which war do you like better?
-Revolutionary..... just meant ward....I love them both for different reasons. Winterwood is an older ward so there are tons of hilarious old people. Vegas Valley is great too! I know the people better
Did you cry when Sister Herman left?
-Yep. Big fat tears.
Were you able to get everything in your area all organized this week?
- Nope! Not even close.

Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all so much!

Go forward with faith


Sister Tucker
 My trainer, Sis. Furstenau has finished her mission and returned home!

Sis. Nichols!


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