Fun Times with Sister Herman

Dearest Family and Friends,
This week I will tell you about the fun times that I have had with Sister Herman....but let's be honest...she is super awesome so all times are fun times.
This week we met a totally ELECT guy named Andres.
And we met him because of Sister Herman.
Soooo it was Wednesday and at the time that we met him we were really suppose to go and visit a lady named Sarah, but she has been really busy recently (I would be busy too if I had four kids under the age of eight). We have been unable to meet with her because she never sets appointments and likes it if we just drop by. As we were on our way to drop by to see her, we passed a house and Sister Herman said,
 "I really feel like we should go knock on that door."
My thoughts on that idea, "NO WAY!!!!! You never know what you are going to get in Vegas...there are some creepy people...tracking is not effective...and so on," but I didn't say any of that.
Then she says, "What do you think of that?"
So I answer her question by asking her this, "Why do you feel like we should knock on that door?"
And she says, "Well on exchanges the other day I met a man outside of that house and he wasn't interested, but I think his wife might be."
okay...sounds a little more promising
Then we go to the door and we knock our little hearts out as usual.
To my surprise someone answers on the last knock.
But it wasn't anyone that Sister Herman had met. He told us his name was Andres and the rest is history. He let us come back for a lesson on Saurday, he came to church on Sunday, and we even had a lesson with him after church. He is so prepared. He recently was able to quit drugs cold turkey. He has had quite a few experience in his life that are nothing short of miracles. As we were teaching him the lesson on the plan of salvation last night we asked him "What would you give to live in the Celestial Kingdom."
He said, "Everything."
perfect answer
So moral of the story...I have a relly inspired companion. I love her. When I have fear, she has pure faith. I am so glad that the Lord put us together so that I could have this lesson on following promptings. :) God is so good.

Guess what!?!?!?
 We got to meet President and Sister Snow on Friday! They surprised us by coming to our Zone Training meeting. They are so nice! Sister Snow is an amazing piano player and President Snow is so warm and easy going. They are going to be great for this mission. I have no doubt about that.
So here is my funny story of the week:
The Harris (MEK or Mia, Evelynn, and Kissy) family, our investigators, have so many animals, dead and alive. The alive ones include:
1 lizard
1 chinchila
1 huskey
1 bird
2 guinea pigs
Recentley one of the guinea pigs died. He was born with the name Fudge. He died with the name Old Man Fudge. He was such a precious friend of our investigator Mia. We went over after the death and she was just crying! It was so sad. Through her tears she told us that they would be cremating him once they got the money. Until then, they put him in the freezer. So now he is an Old Man Fudge-cicle. Everytime they pray that he will be happy in the freezer. It is pretty cute.
Now time for Questions of YOUR SOULS:
Has it rained in Vegas yet?
-YES!!! It rained on the 4th of July! Hard and while people were trying to do fireworks...but it didn't ruin my fun. I was sleeping :)
What do you wear on p-day?
-We have to stay dressed up unlike other missions. It is fun though. I like dresses :)
Do you keep in touch with the people you have baptized?
-I try to! Mariana and Marlon are having a baby girl soon :)
Well that was my wonderful week! I hope that you all are doing well!
sister tucker


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