99 days of (full time missionary service) on the wall...take one down pass it around!
Whoop Whoop!
Happy Monday!
Today has been a super good day so far. A little laundry. A little cleaning. A lot 0f scripture study!!!! It is so great!!!!!! I will go through my week a little backwards...
Yesterday we made our own dinner, kind of.....
were going to eat with the Richardson Family and when we got there, we
found out that Sister Richardson was sick. The family is basically all
boys and they were all struggling to get the meal together. It was
pretty funny. Sister Herman and I rolled up our sleeves and helped make salmon, rice, steamed veggies, and croissants. YUM!
It was super delicious! Then over our delicious meal we talked about
The Book of Mormon. Brother Richardson actually helped translate the
Book of Mormon from English to Thai during his mission and he got the
opportunity to communicate with the twelve about certain puzzling things
in the scriptures! He told us about one particular scripture he had
always wondered about (sorry I don't know the reference). It mentions
how through Christ's suffering he was able to learn obedience. Brother
Richardson had always wondered what that meant considering that Christ
is and was perfectly obedient. He said that after 30 years he finally
got his answer in a dream. He shared an analogy of a fish out of water.
When a fish is in water and never knows any different, and it doesn't
know what water is. Once it is out of water and struggling to get back
in, it knows what is like to be without water, as is the same with Jesus
Christ. Because he was perfectly obedient he did not know the pains and
guilt that we feel when we are disobedient. When he suffered for our
sins in Gethsemane, he was able to also experience what we feel through
our disobedience. It wasn't that he needed to learn obedience. He just
needed to know how we feel when we are disobedient. I thought that was
pretty great. Now...if I could only find the scripture!!!!!
for a funny story! So Sister Herman and I love to talk! We get into a
lot of super interesting conversations. One day we were tracting and I
asked her if she ever rode the bus to school. She said that she always
rode the bus to school! ME TOO! We are like the same person. Then as a
joke, I asked her if she'd ever been on a short bus and she
actually said yes! Like most short bus incidents, there is a story. She
told me that in elementary school, they had this program where you could
read a certain amount of books and take online tests about them. With
each test you would get a set amount of points and those with the most
in each grade level would get to go out for ice cream. She won in 3rd
grade and all the winners got to ride the short bus to go get ice cream.
She also commented that this story proves that she is smart but has no
friends! Well, we literally laughed about this all week long. It still
makes me chuckle!
what!!!! Mia and Kissy are set to be baptized on August 9th! We are
trying our darnedest to teach them everything we can about family
history! It is so fun! They are loving it. They are so good about
reading, praying, and coming to church, way better than I was at that
age! This last Sunday, Grandma Shirley was sick but the girls still came
to church. Kissy was so tired from waking up early to catch their ride
that she fell asleep on my shoulder after the sacrament was passed!
Sometimes I wish I could go back to 8! I think the best part of the
lessons with the family is when Kissy asks random profound
questions. She is awesome.
At our district
meeting this last week ,our district leader
created a conversion obstacle course that was awesome! It had bad
friends, choices, and influences with the occasional prompting of the
spirit and prayer! He committed us to have more meaningful prayers so I
am working on that :) It is going pretty well so far.
went on exchanges with Sister Unsted this last week! She just came out
this last transfer and she reminded me of what it is like to be a new
missionary. She had that awe about her. It was fun to talk with her
about that she likes and dislikes and to mentally compare how those
things change on your mission. I hope that Sister Herman and I can stay
together until the end of my mission but if we can't, I wouldn't mind
being with Sister Crane :)
Questions of Your Soul:
1. What are you doing after your mission?
Going home until Christmas and then moving to Utah! This girl has to find a husband! Fact.
2. What keeps you going during a long day?
Knowing that dinner is just a few hours away. If you can make it to dinner, you can make it that whole day :)
3. What are some things you miss from former areas?
RICE, BEANS, AND TORTILLAS!!!!!!!!!!! and you thought I would never say that!!!!
4. What is something nice you mission president has emailed you?
are humbled and astonished by your diligence and work, by your love for
the Savior and your willingness to give your all and your best. We see
your daily efforts and pray continually that God will watch over you,
protect you and guide you through His Spirit to success in His Holy
Work. May you continually feel the joy of inviting His children,
testifying and experiencing the Spirit assist you in your daily
consecrated efforts.
A tender mercy that blessed me on Saturday Night, the last day of serving with you, was a telephone call which invited me to hear Sister Connelly, at her request, speak in the Saturday night session of Stake Conference as a new member of the Church. She related how we met in the parking lot at the Green Valley District shopping mall. I gave her a Mormon.Org card with my name and number on it, a Book of Mormon and I remember I testified to her of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon as the Word of God. I thought nothing more about it until I received the call about her baptism a few days ago. She was baptized 10 months after we met. I have taken this experience as a witness that even though at times our work may feel unrewarded or unfulfilled, God will eventually help us finish the work and we will know that our every effort, no matter how small or trivial it may seem, was important." President and Sister Neider
A tender mercy that blessed me on Saturday Night, the last day of serving with you, was a telephone call which invited me to hear Sister Connelly, at her request, speak in the Saturday night session of Stake Conference as a new member of the Church. She related how we met in the parking lot at the Green Valley District shopping mall. I gave her a Mormon.Org card with my name and number on it, a Book of Mormon and I remember I testified to her of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon as the Word of God. I thought nothing more about it until I received the call about her baptism a few days ago. She was baptized 10 months after we met. I have taken this experience as a witness that even though at times our work may feel unrewarded or unfulfilled, God will eventually help us finish the work and we will know that our every effort, no matter how small or trivial it may seem, was important." President and Sister Neider
Isn't that sweet! It brought tears to my eyes! I miss them a lot!
past week, in addition to reading the Book of Mormon 6 pages a day, I
have also been studying the scripture masteries! I love them! They are a
great study tool.
Make it a great week!
I love you all!
Sister Tucker
This is how we do Wal-mart.
We love pancakes AND GREEN SMOOTHIES!!!!
Just a typical day! Beautiful sunshine rays!
The flat tan line is back!
ZUPAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our favorite place!
Peacocks run loose in this area #prettyscary
A sunset! Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
This is how all human kind should eat watermelon. It is in a pre-made bowl and it lasts a good week!
I live in a star wars sand hut.
We had a lesson/tea party with Karrol and Isis! So fun :)
Came out of the rec center and this is what the Elders did to our car!!!! Aren't they gems?!
My favorite little investigators....this is what they are doing every time we come over! Please take note of the virgin Mary statue in the dog house :)
100 days of miracles!!!! I started it this last week! and our collection of recycling!
More photos of our apartment!
My wonderful comp!
I got a letter from Sister Davis!!!!
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