Week Spectacular

Welcome to WEEK SPECTACULAR!!!!!!


We have had lots of great things happen this week :) It is just flying by!!! I have been so blessed. I am loving ALL the people here and my companion SISTER PANTOJA has really been amazing and we are learning so much together. 

  Monday, was super busy because we had to wait in a doctor's office for three hours!!! Ugh! I hate the doctors. Then we went and did all of our shopping, ate at Cafe Rio (A MEMBER PAYED FOR IT!!!!) and then emailed for the rest of the time. We then went to work!! First we had dinner with a less-active family. They are super nice and awesome. They have a two sons Frankie & Vinnie :) They are adorable! Frankie will be getting baptized in a few months and we are hoping that the father will baptize him!!!! They made us the most wonderful chicken noodle soup. It was really good. What made it special was that it was soup over mashed potatoes!!!! It was very different! We then did a family home evening with all of our recent converts and investigators AT THE MORRIS HOME!!!! Sister Fuax brought a DVD of Students bearing testimony at BYUH!!!! WOW! It really took me back! I should write Bethani about it! It was super fun and everyone had a really good time. It is awesome when the ward comes together and fellowships new members. :)

  Tuesday, we had lessons with a couple of our investigators :) First with Ashley, she is doing amazing and we have been seeing her everyday TWICE A DAY!!!! THE PLAN IS FOR HER TO GET BAPTIZED THIS WEEK!!!!! But we will see!!! I don't want to get anyone's hopes up!  She is noticing the blessings from learning the gospel and she mentioned that she has noticed a difference in her and her husbands relationship. :) Tim, her husband is a really good example to Ashley :) He is a return missionary and is super nice and tries to help us all that he can. We then had a lesson with our new investigators, Chervine, Courtney, and Karissa. Chervine is the grandma and Courtney and Karissa are her Granddaughters! They were a referral from the Temple! They have a deep southern accent and it is super funny listening to them. Hahaha....it takes me back to North Cackalacky!!!!! :) They are doing really well. They have been reading the Book of Mormon and praying to see if the church is the true church once again on the earth. We also had a meeting with all of the ward missionaries and we talked about how they could help us with our investigators. This ward is SUPER AWESOME! They all want to help hasten the work :)

  Wednesday.....We had a lesson with Jacob! He has been reading and learning lots! He will find out this week whether he will go into infantry or in-tell for the Marines.  We went  to the Ballard's for dinner and we had BREAKFAST!!! Best time to have breakfast is dinner time :) hahaha We also had a lesson with the wonderful Chermayne :) She is still progressing very well!!!!!. Today we helped her answer some of her concerns and we hope that she will come to know that these things are true and be baptized......But we need to be patient because it is in the Lord's time and hers. Anyways we also had exchanges and we switched companions for the day. :) I was with Sister Nichols for all of Thursday!!!!

  Thursday!!! This was such a wonderful day! Sister Nichols and i talked to 20 people between two apartment complexes! We got six return appointments and said two prayers! Boss. We also went to see a less active old lady in the ward. We read 1Nephi Chapter 3 with her. She had so many wonderful comments! The spirit is always so strong when we are reading The Book of Mormon :) After dinner we had appointment after appointment after appointment. It was amazing!We had members at each one and it was amazing to teach with my Sister Training Leader. She is super inspired :)

 Friday...WE HAD MISSION MEETINGs ALL DAY :) We had Zone Training Meeting with the whole zone! There were about four trainings we received...some were great! SOME WERE SUPER :) I loved Sister Nichols training about daily acts of consecration :) Then we had weekly planning meeting :) Later that night we met with Ashley and Tim!!! They are so willing to listen and participate! They told us that on Saturday they were painting the baby's room! They are having a little girl in August and they are going to name her Brynlee  :) They let us come over and do service by painting the baby's room! We were so stoked!!!!

   Saturday!!! We got to paint a whole room! We painted it lime green with a pink accent wall :) It was super cute! It matches the bedding and the dark cherry wood crib :) We love serving people!!!!! I wish I had a picture! I will take one tonight of the finished project! We also got the opportunity to teach them again!!! She has her interview on Tuesday! WE ARE SO STOKED! She is very excited to be baptized!

Sunday!!! They both came to church! We had wonderful meetings. Ashley stayed for all three hours and really loved how much we talked about family in Relief Society! She couldn't stop nodding her head! I think I had the touch of the allergies from all the flowers blooming but after taking a little medicine I was fine! The Morris' fed us bean and ham soup.It sounds gross but it was super delicious. I am now Brother Morris' favorite missionary because I got seconds. What can I say? I HAD TONS OF BEANS IN THE SPANISH AREA!!!! I wish I had a picture of all the beans I have eaten! Wonderful!    

I have really enjoyed reading the D&C! I will be finishing it tomorrow :) I have gained a stronger testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel and the Prophet Joseph Smith! 

I hope you have all have a super week!
Keep reading the scriptures! They just keep getting better :)

Sister Tucker           

What's been your favorite lesson that you taught on your mission?

I love love love teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ :) That lesson teaches people how to change. It has changed me. It is the third lesson we teach.

Missionaries seem to have crazy stories about dogs...what about you?
Well....I still hate dogs. They hate me too. But....I haven't been bitten yet!!! Yay!!!!

Have you learned to cook anything new on your mission?
I learned how to make homemade tortillas! :) So much better than the store bought!!!!
Have you met many missionaries younger than you?
Now yes!!! At first I was pretty young....now...lots of the new missionaries are 18 or 19...I am in my 20's now. Yikes!!!!!

What's the nicest thing someone said to you?
I got tons of compliments on my last talk in sacrament meeting :) I felt so good after that!

 Sister P and I made skirts today! They are almost done! I will send pics of the finished project next week. I am pretty good with a sewing machine! We made skirts with pockets :)                 


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