Just Sparkle!
WELL HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is a special day because it is PDAY!!!! Hip Hip Hooray! In n.o.r.m.a.l.
life terms it is like the weekend! ....but not really, because P-day is
the busiest day ever. No joke.
week was full of adventures! All of which were awesome! I am so blessed
to be able to serve a mission. I am so blessed to have a wonderful and
supportive family. I am so blessed to have angels round about me to bear
me up when I need comfort.
have found lots of spiritual strength in prayer. I know that I can pour
out my thoughts, desires, dreams, and fears to the Lord whenever. He in
turn sends His comforter to guide me and bring peace. I know that this
power is real.
night we were eating dinner at the Jones' house! I always feel so much
love and they always, always, always lift my spirits. Brother Jones shared
a spiritual thought with us instead of us sharing with them :) He told
us about a movie called Camelot (never seen it) and how at the end there
is a young boy that wants to become a knight. He wants to have honor
and fight for the right. One of the knights makes him a knight and the
others ask why? He says that this boy will only be a drop in the
water...but he sparkles! Then Brother Jones told us that all
missionaries sparkle....(I don't' think the elders sparkle but that is a
personal opinion :)) I love that! We can just sparkle :)
Here is my week:
was such a busy, busy, busy day! We went to Seagull Book so that Sister P
could get some fun church stuff. Then we got a car wash, went to walley
world, and then had zupas and then we wrapped up p-day with some
good ol' emailing then we started proselyting at 6pm! We went and
visited Ashley and Tim!! She is already in 2 Nephi!!!!! She is also
going to help fellowship our new investigator Chelsea!!!! Yay!!!! Then
we went by to visit the Genobaga family. They are from Laie, HI!!!!!
Talking to them always brings back all my Hawaii days :) We also saw a
lady named Lily. She is a member and her husband is not. Her son AJ is
almost 8 and he wants to be baptized. We are teaching him the lessons in
a kid friendly way! Lily's husband sits in and participates :) It
is such a blessing! Chermayne told us that she didn't want to take
lessons anymore and that was hard.
It was the best zone conferenceIi have ever been to! We were trained on
how to make green smoothies!!! How cool is that :) It was super fun! We
also learned about how to teach better. I am always trying to improve
my teaching skills. That same day we had correlation meeting with Bro.
Morris and the ward missionaries. They are so so so supportive :)
went on exchanges with Sister Pulliam. She is the funniest sister
missionary in Vegas...(besides me) not!!! We had 7 member present lesson
set up! We ran around like crazy! It was so super awesome! I got to
teach one of Sister Davis and my old investigators, Carlie. She moved
the other sisters area a few months ago. It was so so, so awesome to
reconnect and catch up with her. The highlight of my day was our lesson
Ronnie. He is getting baptized this Saturday and it is going to be
extravagant. He wants to have a white carpet leading up to the
font...and he wants to have his dog Chipper baptized too. He even got
Chipper a jumpsuit with "angel" bedazzled on the back. He also wants to
release hundreds of white butterflies right after his baptism. He is
super cray cray. It was great!
a jam packed day! We taught Dustin and Maddie! They are doing well and
Dustin wants to be baptized by April 26th! Thank goodness! We were able
to reconnect with a former investigator...Liz! We taught a
lesson to her at a less actives home! It was great to see her light up
when she saw us! We went by to visit Sister Hymas who just had a knee
replacement. She was walking around pretty well! It was super great to
lift her spirits. She is so strong! What a great example. :)
was pretty normal day of missionary life. :) We were able to visit Dustin and
Maddie and invite them to a service project at the Pittman Wash. We
then were able to visit a member that had just moved into the ward and
her name is Alberta :) She is really nice. We then had dinner at
the Bybee's house :D They are great!!They fed us Little Caesars pizza!
It reminded me of home. We always eat little seizures at home. Yum!! We
then were able to meet with a recent convert family and we were teaching
there little 6 year old and she told her parents that she is going to
get baptized when she turns 8 and that her dad is going to baptize her
because her mommy's leg hurts too much. hahaha :) She is super cute!! We
then were able to see the lovely Sister Jones and talk to her for a bit
:) She is amazing and we LOVE her soo much :) Her daughter is in
Scotland right know on a mission and one of her daughters is about to
have a baby girl!!! Life is GREAT hear in the Quail Ridge ward!!! The
members are amazing and we just LOVE everyone here and the hard work
that they put in to help us with the work.
was a service day all day!! We helped clean out the Pittman Wash :)
There was a lot of bottles down there and we found a trash can that was
broken. It looked like someone was trying to clean but then
got really bored and just left the trash can and mess. Hahaha :) We also helped
Sister Morris dust her house :) They made us Breakfast in return! It was
delicious :) I love when members make us breakfast, especially when it
a miracle day!! :D SISTER LANEY AND KAYLEE CAME TO CHURCH!!!!! We went
to church and we were spiritually re-energized and we got to teach
gospel principles and we taught about having agency and the consequences
of our choices. It was really fun and then right after church we had a
lesson with our investigator Chelsea and we had an awesome spiritual
lesson with them and she is going to get baptized on April 19!!!! It was
an amazing lesson :) And she even said that we were meant to go to her
house. And she has been having a really tough time lately so I am glad
we were able to help her a little bit.
Thanks for reading all my adventures! I hope that you all have a wonderful week!
sister tucker
ZONE CONFERENCE!!!! We made a toast :) to healthy & happy missionary work :)
We drank a green smoothie! Sooooo good! it was lemon, banana, pineapple, peach, tons of spinach, agave &lots of love :)
this is a close up!!!!
this is a close up!!!!
more fun from our exchange. there investigator gave us a present! an exotic flower in water! so thoughtful :)
Exchanges with Sister Pulliam! She is so funny! We had a blast :) and we taught tons of lessons!
funny note from sister davis...she is crazy funny!
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