"When is the soonest I can get baptized? I want those blessings" -Alfonso
Hi! Hi! HI!
How has your week been going?
Mine has been great! Full of baptisms, weddings, and ferrets...yuck!
I officially have 8 days of my mission left.
say that missionaries and their families receive loads of blessings
from missionary service before, after, and during the mission. i know
that is so true. I have seen so many miracles and blessings as a
missionary. This week I found out that I will be transferring to BYU :) :) :)
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! I cannot even begin to tell you
how happy I am! I screamed and squealed when I found out :)
what!?!?!? Bob was baptized this week :) It was a really special
service :) I cried...well i cry at all of them! His confirmation was
probably the best part. He told us that he had a wonderful warm feeling
that was completely undeniable. This week his goal is to buy himself a
white shirt and tie and suit!!!! The spirit is working on him in such a
miraculous way.
investigator Veronica was married this week! She even decided on her
own to have a modest wedding dress! the reception was beautiful :) The
stake president married them and he talked to us afterwards. he said,
"In a year hopefully they will go to them temple. Do you feel this? This
is fake happiness. In six months this could be y'all getting
married...but do it in the temple." Then he let out his evil little
laugh! he is such a jokester. Needless to say it wasn't that funny!
Veronica and Stephen and their 3 girls are the one that have the ferret.
their favorite thing to do is let it run around during our lessons so
that i freak out.....NOT FUN!!!!! It is so gross. It is like a long rat.
I don't even know its name.
is our wonderful investigator that has so much faith. He prayed this
last week to be able to get Sunday off and he did!!!!! AHHHH!!!! We have
taught him two lessons and he has already read to 3rd Nephi!!!!!
WOW!!!!! I have never had an investigator that has progressed so fast my
entire mission. In the middle of our lesson on the plan of salvation he
stopped us and said, "When is the soonest I can get baptized? I want
those blessings." That just blew me away. You should of seen the huge
grins that Sister DC and I had on our faces at that point. He is a
miracle investigator. He has had a lot of hard things happen in his life
but every lesson he tells us about the peace that he finds through the
Book of Mormon!!!!! He has pointed out several scriptures that have
helped him to realize that he is truly not alone :) I wish that everyone
could feel the converting power of the Book of Mormon like that!
a missionary can be so crazy fun! I love serving with Sister DeCoster.
She knows how to be a happy and successful missionary. We have some
hilarious times everyday and it is so great to have someone to share
those experiences with.
I love you all so much!
Sister Tucker
Bob's baptism
Wedding of our investigator
meet the mormons with the allens!
at a casino!!!! weird!
meet the mormons the second time with bob!
herbal tea party with Bob
the title of liberty at district meeting!
sneaky birthday decorations
made cookies for our sisters!
Bob bought us a backing out glow stick :)
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