"To make a long story short story short"

Sooooooooooooooooooo....this is gonna be a real short email today....its a holiday and we only have a little bit of time to email at a member's house. I figure I should apologize in advance! anyway....


This week has been great! So many crazy happenings and highlights! We had a wonderful last Sisters Meeting with Pres. and Sister Neider! It was so uplifting and spiritual! They gave us some homework to read which I am really looking forward to doing! I love learning more about the Gospel.

We had some reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally interesting lessons last night. We taught two drunk people. It was not the most effective thing I have done as a missionary.... One of them confessed to have written a song about Sister Herman...but he said he would wait to share it until she was about to be transferred...THANK GOODNESS!!!! The best quote of the night was a prayer he offered in which he said, "To make a long story short story short'"....it took everything I had not to laugh. He end that prayer with "Cheers. Amen"

Well here are the QUESTIONS OF YOUR SOUL:

Tell us some more about your new companion Sister Herman.  What new things did you learn about her this week?

She is a twin. Her twin is married and is having a baby girl. She hates all bugs. She really loves to read and write. She is super awesome at keeping a journal. 

Tell us some more about your new area.  What new things did you learn about it this week?

We are teaching a lot of very interesting people....and I wouldn't have it any other way!

What is your focus right now?

To complete a perfect missionary diet--my day includes parts of finding on our own, lessons, less-active work, and finding through members. I am grateful that we have lots of people to teach and that the Brunos family is getting baptized this week :)

What brings you joy as you serve? 

Everything about serving brings me joy...the people I meet...the lives I see touched....the smiles!
What has been your greatest challenge?

I don't really think about it :)

Well I love you all!


Sister Tucker


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