Happy Week!!!

How are y'all doing? (I am trying to keep my North Carolina accent but everyone says I don't have an accent.....so I have to tell them I'm really not native to North Carolina)

The weather this past week has been divine! I walk outside and I just can't believe it is January!!!!

This week went by so so so fast! I feel like it was just PDay yesterday! Guess who I get to see every P-Day now!!?!?!?! SISTER FURSTENAU!!!!! She is in the neighboring zone and she emails at our stake center now! I almost had a heart attack when I saw her! It was really exciting! She is my mission mom because she trained me! Seeing her again was like being reunited with my best friend!!!!!

Well....I am always grateful for Mondays and to be able to write to all of you! This week has really been a week full of blessings and miracles! I don't really think that my emails express how grateful I am to be serving here in the Nevada Las Vegas Mission. There has been so many ways I have recognized the Lord's hand in my life this week.
Monday -
- Our Zone Leaders came with us to the Genebagas' house to bless there home and their family. They are from LAIE Hawaii (they were excited to hear that I went to BYU-H!!!! And that I worked at PCC!!!!) and are not active in the church. The Elders did a great job helping them understand that they need to live the gospel in order to receive all the blessing the Lord has in store from them. Brother Genebaga said that he needs to find his white shirt before Sunday!
-We also had Tyler, a less active, come with us to visit a few potential investigators and less actives. It was a really special experience. Tyler really was touched by the message we shared with a less active couple. We were also set an appointment with a referral named Matt!
Tuesday -
- We have been trying to contact this guy named Dustin, who went to the Gladys Knight fireside. We have not been able to see him until today! He told us that he lost our number and that he has been reading the Book of Mormon and wants to meet with us! He lives with his girlfriend who is a member of the church. We were able to set an appointment for when they would both be home. It was such an awesome feeling to know that Heavenly Father is preparing His children.
-We had a lesson with a 70+ year old man named, Bob. His last name is pretty much his first name so as a nickname Sister Davis and I call him Bobby Bob. He is are retired Navy Veteran and has a lot of bad memories from the war. He had met two Elders a few years ago and read some of the Book of Mormon.. He has a lot of health problems and has had many trials in his long life. He was comforted to know that we have a Prophet today! We are excited to teach him again!
-We stopped by a less active lady's house, her name is Barbara. Her husband is very anti and she has an 11 year old son who is not a member. We happened to come by when her husband was out bowling... We were able to visit with them and teach them about prayer... They said we could come back next Tuesday and share another message with them. IT WAS SUCH A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday -
-Brother Jones came with us today and we were able to teach Matt the Restoration! It was great experience. He is an interesting guy. And was so receptive to our message. He said he will put forth the effort to find out the truth for himself. He committed to reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. It was a powerful experience.
-We met with Doris, she is 92 and is a Do Not Contact. We have become friends with her! She told us that she planned to read the Book of Mormon in her old age... Well it is about time! We were able to read the Intro with her and committed her to read 1 Nephi 1! It was so powerful!!!
-We had a great lesson with Jacob! He has questions about our Plan of Salvation and we were able to talk to him about it. I am really grateful that we have the Book of Mormon to answer the questions of our souls.
Thursday -
-We have a new district leader and we had a great training today. We all went to lunch as a district! It was really fun!
-We had another lesson with Matt, at Tyler's apartment. His apartment only has three things: a couch, tv, and vacuum. So he stole a chair from the pool for our lesson!  It was really good! Matt read in the Book of Mormon and felt really good as he prayed. He compared Lehi and his family leaving Jerusalem to Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot's family. It was really awesome! He really has a desire to come unto Christ.
-We met with the Munoz family and taught them about the restoration. They were baptized two years ago, but have not been very active. They made it a goal this year to become more active in the church!
-We have tried to meet with Velez Family, they had met with missionaries one time. Every time we go she always tells us she will call us or she cancels the appointments we have. But this week we had Brother Faux, a ward missionary, with us and she actually let us in! We talked about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. She was really excited to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We have a lady in the ward, Blanca Chacon, coming with us this week for our next appointment! It is going to be great!!!

-We had some awesome weekly planning! Our area is really flourishing now and that always makes it super fun to weekly plan. Hopefully we will see some investigators out at church this next week. That has been our biggest struggle so far. Satan really draws people away from coming to church because he knows that they will be hooked!
-We met with the Genobagas again Friday night so that the Elders could give more of their family blessings. The Spirit was incredible. Something that impressed me about the blessings is how much the Elders expressed the love of Heavenly Father for this family. Keep reading until Sunday to find out if they came to church!!!!!

-We had a lesson with Jacob!!! He is still preparing to go into the Marines! We are really focusing on helping him find his faith again so that when he enters into the military he will be able to stand firm! He has been asking great questions and reading 3 CHAPTERS OF THE BOOK OF MORMON BETWEEN EVERY VISIT!!! AWESOME! 
-We had a lesson with a former Do No Contact named Clara. She is the sweetest old lady ever! We asked her if we could start reading the Book of Mormon with her (since it worked so well with Dorris) And she said YES!!!! She said that she would read the first chapter before our next visit!!!! She even shared a spiritual experience that her granddaughter had! She will be back to church in no time!!!!
Sunday -
-Today at church we had three less active families come to church! They haven't come since I've been here! The Gronemans, the Genebagas, and the Osteranders! We were floored when we saw them come in! It was so exciting!!!
-We met with Chermayne, whom we haven't had a lesson with in a month!! We read in the Book of Mormon with her, and she said she felt peace. We asked her after the lesson if she had any questions or thoughts about anything we've talked about. She went on to tell us that tonight she was going to say that she didn't want to meet with us anymore. But she realized that she hasn't been putting her all into this. She decided she wanted to come to church this next Sunday! We told her we would be speaking and she said that this is not a coincidence that she wanted to come next Sunday! What a blessing! 

I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for all you love and support and prayers!


Sister Tucker

 This was Zenobia's Baptism :) She was so fun to teach! She is golden! I am so glad I was able to go back and see her baptism!

 I GOT CAFE RIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SUPER DELICIOUS!!!!!!!

I  accidentally taped my planner cover to the table...not my finest moment!

A day in the life of a sister Missionary: Pday with Sis. Davis


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