Huge Blessings in Henderson!!!! :) #alldayeveryday
Our wrecked car :( It got in a wreck in Kingman with some other sisters :( They brought it back, but it's in the shop until Thursday.
The palm tree got a haircut!
Sweet Sister Davis and a ward missionary (Brother Brown)! His t-shirt is from the High School she went to!
OUR MIRACLE WALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! So many miracles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A day in the life of a missionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #groceryshopping
I got this sweet sweet card today! It is from a girl in Hawaii that got called to the Nevada Las Vegas Mission! She was really sweet and said that my blog helped prepare her for her mission! She is going Spanish speaking! I guess she probably knows everything about me!
How is everyone doing? :) :) :)
I am doing really, really well! I love this area! I love my companion and I love all of our investigators :)
Life is so good here on the mission!
have some sad news. Bishop Durham of the Quail Ridge Ward found mine
and Sister Davis' blogs. He made it his personal mission to stalk us on
google. He thought that my name was Shawn....NOPE!!!! Then his wife
looked me up and found it in like a minute! He said that if we ever run out
of gas on Sunday that we need to call him first :)
had a wonderful meatloaf and mash potato meal with the Osterander
Family! They have two sweet little boys!!!!! Frankie is 7 and he will be
getting baptized soon! We are working with him every week! He has so
many questions about the plan of salvation. He is really fun to teach :)
-We played some hardcore kanaki (it is like a combo of football and rugby) with the Elders for P-day sports! It was fun! We beat them all day eryday!!!!
-We went to Target for our P-day shopping and it was super weird! It reminded us so much of our past life's!!!! #missionprobs
-WE WENT TO THE DENTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the best! Brother Timpson let us come for free! The lady that
cleaned my teeth was Mormon and super nice! She cleaned um real good! It
was so fun to talk to her because she has two little siblings on
-We had another lesson with MATT!!!!! HE IS SET TO BE BAPTIZED and is super solid! He loves the Book of Mormon! Stay tuned til Sunday to find out if he finally came to church!
-We had a lesson with Chermayne! We
watched the Restoration DVD and she loved it! She really felt like she
could relate to Joseph Smith.
-We had another lesson with MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was able to meet Brother Allsop and Brother Brown! We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he just soaked it all it!
met with Sister Stoneking and she was the nicest lady ever! She has two
little sweet children! We were a little nervous going over because it
is a little scary to visit less actives. You never know how less active
someone is until you meet them and find out why they are less active!
had a great lesson with Norma!!!! She has already been going to church
in another ward because she is the caretaker of a mormon lady there! We
are excited to have more lessons with her!
-We had an amazing district meeting that inspired us to do more missionary work!
Spirit was so so so strong! We showed the Restoration DVD and
afterwards Tee asked some really good questions we believe
in the gift of tongues? and stuff like that! She had been asking her
family what they would think if she became Mormon....they didn't really
respond very well...but
she made a really great connection with Joseph Smith and the fact that
the true church has always been and will always be persecuted! Brother
Timpson was weeping when he bore his testimony :)
-We had another lesson with MATT! We
taught him the importance of Attending Church, Reading the Scriptures,
and Praying! He is so excited to come to church!!!! We had the lesson at
Tyler's with David there as well! David and Amanda are bringing him to
church! It is so great to witness Matt come closer to Heavenly Father.
-We met with Sister Poynor and her son. We shared a great message about faith! I love this quote about faith, "To have faith is to trust in the Lord's perfect goodness, love, and wisdom, even though we do not perfectly understand."
-We had our first lesson with Dustin! He is dating a member and has been reading the Book of Mormon! The
lesson was pretty great! He has grown up in a really rough part of New
York.. He always ran from religion, but feels a real draw to hear us
out! He has one question for us "What you believe about after death?" We
are planning to teach him about that this week!
our ward missionary, created a list of everyone in the ward in
alphabetical order by street name. It has been so helpful in planning!!
He is so great!
-Sister Davis and I saw a really nice
guy in an apartment complex.. We said hello, but didn't talk to him...
Then we saw him AGAIN.. and didn't talk to him again... But he stopped us and asked if we were selling something.. We were able to tell him we were Missionaries..
and he told us that we could come back.. But didn't know his apartment
number.. He gave us his phone number and we gave ours to him.. We
didn't think he would call or that he gave us his right phone
number.. BUT before we left the complex he had called us with his
apartment number! What a blessing!!!
-MATT and CHERMAYNE CAME TO CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!! They LOVED it!!! And said they would for sure be back next week!!!
-Sister Davis
and I spoke in Sacrament! The Spirit was so strong! Sister Davis spoke
first on The Restoration and I spoke on The Gospel of Jesus Christ! It
was so great to have our investigators there. The Stake President,
President Romney, came to our sacrament meeting!!! It was just amazing!!
Wish y'all could have been there!!!
had dinner with the Marten's! They made us Ribs!!! They were so good!
Brother Marten is a sweetheart, and always tells us how proud he is of
I know that Heavenly Father loves you :)
Count your blessings and love them.
Sister Tucker
Our wrecked car :( It got in a wreck in Kingman with some other sisters :( They brought it back, but it's in the shop until Thursday.
The palm tree got a haircut!
Sweet Sister Davis and a ward missionary (Brother Brown)! His t-shirt is from the High School she went to!
OUR MIRACLE WALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! So many miracles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A day in the life of a missionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #groceryshopping
I got this sweet sweet card today! It is from a girl in Hawaii that got called to the Nevada Las Vegas Mission! She was really sweet and said that my blog helped prepare her for her mission! She is going Spanish speaking! I guess she probably knows everything about me!
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