Mother's Day Card

(Mom note: Justine's Mother's Day card that she mailed arrived today.  Just thought I'd share it with you because it's so touching and sweet.  We'll be making all her letters from her blog into keepsake book for Justine when she returns:)

Dear Mom, :)

I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOU DID TO HELP ME PREPARE FOR MY MISSION! AHHHH! I'm sorry that this card is getting to you late, and I am so sorry that I am using the cards you bought for me.  You probably didn't think you would get a card you bought with your own money!!!

Anyway...thank you for being such a devoted, fun, supportive, happy mom to me.  Thank you for keeping me on top of things. Thank you for being my biggest fan. Most of all thank you be being such an example to me. Never have I once heard you tell a lie.  You have always no matter what been true to yourself. I hope that one day I can be a woman like you.

Thank you for being my escort through the temple.  I loved that hug that you gave me when I entered the celestial room. I know that will be what heaven is like. Dressed in white. Full of joy.  I am so excited to be on my mission because I want other people to know what that feels like.  It feels like complete peace.

I hope that you are all caught up on everything since our trip.  I can't wait to see pictures of all the adventures going on at home.  Thank you for challenging me to do a miracle a day and a picture a day.  It helps me to be able to write down a piece of my day everyday and it keeps everything positive.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Yes, if you were wondering...I have been wearing my retainer everyday:) Like a boss!

I love you so much and I miss you!



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