Acts of Faith

Well Hello!
This week has been amazing! I have had so much fun being a missionary in Quail Ridge. I'm learning that a mission is all a matter of what you make it. I can make it spiritual, fun, uplifting, and awesome....and that is what I do. I have come to love talking to random people on the street. We found a new investigator that way this week. It was such a miracle. To get to that miracle we had to talk a bunch of mean and uninterested people...but it was so worth it:) Every act of faith on my mission has always led to a blessing.
Let me tell y'all how things are going....
Monday: We got to see Dustin and Maddie :) We had to ask Dustin a lot of hard questions because of things in his past that our mission president needed to know. It went really well. He totally open up and shared his new found testimony with us. Dustin's testimony is growing so much that it is amazing!! He wants to change and become someone better. It is truly amazing :) His story of how we started teaching him is one of "those missionary stories." It was divine serendipity. Later we went shopping, emailed and then we played P-Day Sports with all the missionaries :) It was a lot of fun :) On an average week, we spend 7 hours playing sports with the other missionaries. That night we found a new investigator! It was totally awesome! We were going to visit a less active to practice a lesson with her and when we got there, her atheist husband was there. He listened and participated and by the end he was crying (or had bad allergies) hahaha. jk.

Tuesday: We saw Dustin and Maddie again. I always love going over there :) Sister Pantoja had a tooth ache so she had an appointment with the dentist. WHICH WAS PERFECT FOR ME!!!! For entire time, the hygentist had her hands in sister p's mouth and I got to talk to her about her job cleaning teeth. It was awesome! She told me all the things she loved and hated about the job. This may sound really cheesy but all the sudden I knew what I want to do after my mission. HAPPY DAY!  That night we had a wonderful correlation meeting with the ward missionaries and ward mission leader :)

Wednesday: We saw Dustin and Maddie again... WE were just on a roll with our visits :) We got to see the wonderful recent convert, Matt and have a lesson with him. Then we got to see Timothy and watch the Restoration Video :) I love watching that video and feeling the spirit. I don't think kids feel the same way about this DVD....Timothy fell asleep...oh well! At least his less active dad was watching and was touched. We then had dinner with Sister Marten and she showed us her desert pet turtle. It was creepy to me....but Sister P liked it!  Later we were able to see Norma! She still goes to church every Sunday, but were have not had a lesson with her in about 6 weeks! Crazy! We taught her the plan of salvation and she was very touched!
Thursday: So Dustin and Maddie forgot about our appointment today, but Sister Faux was able to come out with us and see Jacob. He is going into the military in May and he wants to go into the Marines. Good luck to him!!! :) We also saw the wonderful less active Clara :) She is really nice and just started accepting the church again into her life.

Friday: We then saw a 90 year old member and talked to her for a little bit. She is going to be moving out of the ward soon. She had been a do not contact for years but she would let us in! It was great to lift her spirits!  We then saw Timothy again and committed him to baptism for May 3rd!!! Woop Woop!!! He is really excited! I really hope this helps his family get active again :) We then got to go to a ward activity and it was a picnic in the park. We had yummy hotdogs and chips! We then saw Dustin and Maddie.  Tim and Ashley were able to come with us and Ashley is amazing! She really related to Dustin and it was an amazing lesson!!! :) After that Sister Jones said that she had a surprise for us...we went over and she had bought us groceries!!!! She is so wonderful :) It was exactly what we needed!

Saturday: Today we were able to find a new investigator named Frank :) He is really nice and really open to the gospel. He was walking up the stairs with his groceries and we helped him out! He let us stay and share a message. He has a lot of good questions.  We finally got to see Teresa! She is doing okay. She has been really sick lately and very stressed because her daughter has been in and out of the hospital. Hopefully one da,y she will accept the gospel in her life.

Sunday: So today was fast and testimony meeting and there was a returned missionary who spoke in sacrament meeting. His testimony was amazing and I was glad I was there to hear it. :) At the end he bore his testimony in Spanish. I was surprised that I knew what he was talking about!!! Sister Marten begged us to join the ward choir and so we did! They were low on singers for next Sunday so we are offereing our voices as a service....hahahaha! We then ate at the Jones home and had a wonderful time with them. :) I love them sooo much! They are really good to us and do so much for us <3 I will miss them when I leave.
Now time for the questions of your souls :)
Any changes to technology rule that have occurred in your mission?
Nope. Nada.

Have you learned to cook anything new on your mission?
i can make my own french toast. i can make homemade corn tortillas. :) (they say in the spanish culture that when you can make tortillias you are ready to get married!!! yikes!!!)

Any advice for those preparing to go to the mtc?
Go out with the missionaries as much as possible and read preach my gospel and the Book of Mormon!

Well that is all and I hope you all have a wonderful week!!! Until next time!!
Sister Tucker
p.s Heavenly Father is truly truly blessing us! I am so grateful for His guidance! Sister Davis received the sweetest email today from Amanda a member in Quail Ridge.  This is what she said about the Valentine Hearts we put on some of the members doors.

"I just thought you should know how wide reaching your Valentine "heart attacks" were! People are still talking about it!

I visited Sister Burns last week, and she asked was I was doing on February 13th or the morning of Valentine's....she's trying to figure out who her angels are.

Sister Dolly bore her testimony during sacrament yesterday.....about how grateful she is for people who care....and how much it impacted her that someone "gospel tagged" her with hearts all over her door with scriptures. She went to work that day letting everyone know that she had been "gospel tagged." She talked about how she left them up for as long as possible because she wanted everyone who came to her door to see the scriptures and feel the gospel. She said even though she has taken them down now, she still has kept them.

Also! Brother Buckwalter a few weeks ago was talking to me and Lori....and asked if it was the young women that had heart attacked him. He said it meant so much to him, that he re-taped them up inside his house...and kept a few in his journal!

You and Sister Tucker touched so many lives with a simple act of love! You are both truly such incredible missionaries!"
I just love her :)
 cupcakes for dustins 23rd birthday :)
 WE RECYCLE!!!! awesome!
 My darling companion :)
 it is starting to get hot here :)

free cafe favorite type of cafe rio :)


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