Well Hello (:
Hello. Hello! Hello :)
Davis and I learned a song that i think gavin will like....it is from a
missionary cd called "the work"...it is similar to the baby Jesus song
he learned a school and it builds as you sing it. it goes like this:
1 for the little bitty baby
2 for Alma and Amulek
3 for the tree in Lehi's dream
4 for the Lord that stands at the door
5 for Alma that came back alive
6 for the books the we call sticks
7 for the prayers we send up to heaven
8 for the boy that just wouldn't wait
9 for the miles we ride our bikes
10 for the 10 commandment
it is pretty funny!!!
NOW..........Let me tell you about the best week ever!
was a great day! We read the Book of Mormon with our investigator
Dustin, and he just loves it! He really identifies with Nephi, because
Dustin is also the youngest in his family and has tried to be an example
for others. We had dinner with the Genobaga Family! They are from
Hawaii and haven't been active. But Brother Genobaga shared with us his
testimony and his desire to be sealed to his family in the Temple by
Thanksgiving! What a great goal! We also were able to teach Matt! He
still is having some set backs with the Word of Wisdom, but he knows
what he needs to change and he is lowering the amount of coffee and
cigarettes he uses.
met with Matt and reviewed the things we have taught him......it was
amazing to see how much he knows and to hear his testimony! He truly is
such an amazing person. He has decided to stop all of his habits and live
the Word of Wisdom! After the lesson we asked him if he needed us to
throw anything away for him.. He said no.. Sister Davis asked for his
cigarettes.. He said he would give them to her.. We didn't know if he
was serious but as Sister Davis held out her hand to shake his, Matt
handed her his box of cigarettes!! We threw them out! He is so
dedicated! We had dinner with our Ward Missionary Brother Allsop and his
family! They are awesome! He told us that he makes the best chocolate
chip cookies ever! But said he didn't make any tonight because we had
to rush off to a lesson... We gave him a hard time about not making us
these famous cookies... So later that night when we saw him at Ward
Coordination meeting he brought us his yummy cookies fresh out of the
oven! They were seriously the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever
eaten! EVER! We also introduced more about the Book of Mormon to Dustin
and Maddie! It was great! They are really loving reading together!
We met with Matt and taught him about
Tithing and Fasting! When we asked him if he would live this principle
he told us, "Of course!" His dad raised him to pay his tithing, but he
hasn't been paying it because he hasn't gone to a church. We also read
the Book of Mormon with Jacob, he has a lot of questions and is afraid
to ask us them. Hopefully he will be able to open up to us soon! We had a
great lesson later today with Sister Tate and a guy named John. We had
prayed with him last week and left him with a pamphlet, he read the
pamphlet and we taught about The Restoration! It was great! He told us
he would love to have us come back anytime, any day... We set up a time
to meet with him tomorrow! Then we had a lesson with Sister Dolly and
her son Daniel! We talked about faith and invited them to come to
church... The problem is I didn't know that Sister Dolly really doesn't
like Fast Sunday and so when she mentioned it Sister Dolly flipped and
said she would not be there because she does not like that meeting!
Hopefully she will still come.. She usually comes a couple times a
month. We also had Ross, a young man in our ward, come with us to a
lesson with Norma! We invited her family to join us and they loved the
lesson we had! Norma told us she went to church with the lady she cares
for on Sunday and really enjoyed all three hours! Such a blessing! She
is excited for her children to learn as well!
We had interviews and that is always one
of my favorite days! It only happens once every twelve weeks and it
only lasts three hours, but it is the best! President and Sister Neider
are so sweet! I just love them! I learn so much from their example! It
is truly amazing! I know that we are sent to a specific mission not just
for the people we will teach, but also so that we will have a certain
Mission President! We saw John again! He is doing great! We introduced
the Book of Mormon to him and he is so excited to read and learn more!
He really wants to come to church, but he has health problems and is not
sure if he will be able to make it this week. Later we met with Matt,
he had just gone to the dentist and had all of his top teeth removed! He
was in so much pain! I felt so sad for him and he had no one to take
care of him! It reminded me of when I got my wisdom teeth out! Terrible!
We met with Chermayne later and finished teaching her about the plan of
Salvation! She kept saying, "This feels right! This just feels right!"
We talked to her about meeting with us on a more regular basis to build
her spiritual strength! So now we are going to see her every other
day!!! Blessings!
We had a lesson with Matt is the morning
and afternoon! In the morning we went over all the questions he would
be asked in his Baptism Interview. He bore his testimony on the
principles we had taught him! He truly loves the Savior and this Gospel!
It is amazing! The change in him is so apparent! We also watched the
Restoration DVD with him later that night! He loved it.. I looked over
at him during the part of the movie when Jesus Christ and Heavenly
Father appear to Joseph Smith.. He was smiling so big! The Spirit was so
strong! Later that night we met with Dustin again and taught them about
the Gospel of Jesus Christ! They loved it and just love having us over!
It is so great to see their excitement!
We got to do some really fun service! We
helped tie blankets for "Project Linus." Lots of women from the ward
were there and we got to meet a nonmember that lives in our ward
boundaries named Mercedes! We hope that she will come to church next
Sunday! Saturday was super awesome because we got meet with Matt twice
again! He is doing really well with the Word of Wisdom and is so set and
ready for his baptism. We also found two new investigators!!!! They
were a street contact and they let us come in and teach the restoration
because they had friends that were Mormon. Members' examples go a long,
long way!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!! We ate a great dinner with Sister Taylor
afterwards! She is such a role model to me of someone who wants to bless
others in everything she does!!! As a spiritual thought we did the
faith rocket with her and it didn't go too well. She dropped it in her
rocky road ice cream!!!! Yikes! What a waste :) But on Sunday over the
pulpit she told the congregation that through that spiritual thought that
we shared, she had learned much, much more. I just love personal revelation!!!
This was one of my best Sunday's on my
mission. Hands down. It was fast Sunday, but I didn't feel famished. I
felt great. We were fasting with a purpose. We had ward council in the
EVER!!!! In the last two weeks, we have had 46 members come out and help
us with missionary work. At ward council the high priest group leader
said that Sister Davis and I should be news anchors because we work so
well together and playoff one another. They say our conversations are
like choreography :) They are just too nice. We had amazing miracles
Sunday!!!!! First of all, Matt was planning on coming to church, but his
ride didn't pick him up. You want to know what he did? He asked his
roommate to take him!!!! He showed up a few minutes late and as he
walked in, the Bishop said "This is Matt. He is getting baptized this
Saturday at 1!!!" Oh it was so great! Matt was just smilin'. Then we had
an amazing testimony meeting! There were a couple less actives that
shared their testimonies and it was a tear jerker! After that, was an
incredible lesson about the Millennium in Gospel Principles taught by
Brother Allsop (aka best cookie maker ever). We asked him afterward if
he would come to visit a less active that we found the week before. We
were just slightly worried about this lesson we had set up because the
guy named (Dustin not our investigator Dustin) told us that he was pagan,
had been smoking in our faces, had a bunch of tattoos, and told us he
just got out of prison #wedontjudge #memberprobs......so that is why we
asked Brother Allsop to come with us. He has the priesthood and al,l so
we were covered. Anyway...the lesson went really great!!!! We got to
know them! They want to come back to church and it just so happened that
they had other issues that Brother Allsop could relate to from
experience and because of what he is studying in college. It was
incredible. All of my fear was replaced with faith! Heavenly Father does
know exactly what each of his children need......and then........we
went to the Browns and had CHICKEN AND
DUMPLINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was such a tender mercy! That is
my all time favorite meal and they had no idea. It was the perfect way
to end our fast!
So many things have really touched me
this week. I have learned a lot about agency. I am now coming to realize
that agency is not just about choosing from right or wrong but instead,
it is deciding to be obedient and choose the right. Heavenly Father has
given us everything. I mean everything. The one thing that is not His is
our agency. When we are obedient to him, we show how much we truly love
Well.......I hope that you are all having an amazing week! Tell me about it :)
Hermana Tucker
We went to zupas again!!! It was super great :)
Sister Davis almost wore her slippers out proselyting :) it was so so so funny! She is classic :)
WE MADE SOME "healthy soup" AND WE MELTED THE SPOON #whoops
It has been a while since I sent a beautiful sunset picture:) #lasveagsisthebest
These are my pics from super bowl Sunday:
It was a ghost town...but the best part:
CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It was super delicious!!!!!! They didn't even know it's my favorite :)
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