Has It Seriously Been Eight Months?!?!?1?!?!?

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....I am serious! The time has just flown for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALOHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is everyone doing? How were the Holidays outside of Vegas?


cactus light garden. only in vegas.
I had the best Christmas ever. The best part was talking to my family! It was so special that they had it set up as if I was eating our traditional Christmas Brunch with them. I have told just about everyone about it and they thought it was the cutest idea!

We have had a lot of success this week even with people being busy with the holidays. We have had a couple of great lessons and experiences that I would like to share about:

Monday - We had a great lesson with the Urquilla Family about the Book of Mormon! The 10 and 9 year old girls have read so much of the Book of Mormon already! They had things highlighted and questions and great comments! I was so impressed!!! We also received "QRidge" T shirts from our Bishop! They are sweet!!!

Tuesday- CHRISTmas Eve - A day full of fun and service!!! We went to a brunch at Ma and Pa Jones' home! It was great fun!! Sister Davis and I brought the best gift!! We filled an empty prescription bottle with candy and put scriptures to read for each day! We also included a stack of Mormon.org cards and an Emergency Scripture Assistance Sheet! Pa Jones got this gift and was sooooo excited about it!! Sister Davis and I sang Called to Serve and did a cup stacking race at the same time... It was a tie... Kinda... ;) Then we went to the Ballard's and helped her make homemade fudge and toffee! It was sweet (literally)!! Later that night we went to dinner with the Marten's and then went to the Morris' Families Christmas Eve Party. We got there just in time to watch them act out the Nativity!! It was sooo funny!!! We opened up one gift that night.... Sister Davis and I got HOODIE FOOTIE PJS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With the LV Mission Logos on the back!!!!!!! SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hoodie footie puppet show


Wednesday- CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6:30AM Morning workout was... OPENING PRESENTS!!! :) But the best present I received was when I got to skype with my Family!!!! The time flew by so fast!!! Afterwards we made sugar cookies and delivered them to Less-Actives, Members, and Investigators. And we did some Christmas Caroling! They were so excited It really made their days and our too! It is so awesome to be able to meet so many wonderful people as a missionary!

Thursday - IHOP with Sister Davis' family!!!!! SO great to meet them! We had dinner with Bishop and his wife! He gave us "QR" (Quail Ridge) baseball caps! They are awesome! We were able to talk about our lesson for Sunday and work out some details!
Friday - We had exchanges.. So Sister Veasey and I were in the Alta Vista Spanish Branch. I got to practice my Spanish. In Quail Ridge Sister Davis and Sister Hill had a very interesting morning... A PIGEON CAME DOWN OUR CHIMNEY AND WAS FLYING IN OUR HOUSE!!!!! Crazy!!! That is why we started using the fireplace for fire so we could smoke those pigeons out. They are still there. Gas fireplaces don't scare them I guess.

Saturday- This was kind of a Polynesian day. We had a lesson with Tee. She is Polynesian and has felt a lot of draw to our church. She drives by the Church to and from work and she wants to learn more. Her husband is kind of against it because he has wrong ideas about our church. Bummer.......but we see her about once a week and we pray for her every day. We also had dinner with the Genabagas. They are from Laie, Hawaii and are so loving! They are still on island time though so we waited around for dinner to be ready for 2 and a half hours!!!! But it was so good :)
Sunday- This was a miracle day for Sister Davis and I. We had the opportunity to teach the combined fifth Sunday during third hour with the Relief Society, Priesthood, YM and YW. We were super nervous, but we role-played lots so we were prepared. Our goal was to inspire the ward and lead them to action. We introduced the family mission plan and we showed a video. I think the best part was when the Bishop got up and endorsed our message with tears and all! At the end of our lesson a member stood up and testified. He said it way better than we ever could have. And then that evening for dinner the members told us that they really were inspired. Mission accomplished. We also had a lesson with Max and Karla! Max is a pretty logical guy but we think we touched him and Karla a lot. You can't deny the spirit.

I have lots of goals for the new year one of them being to keep my goals :) I want to finish the BOM, D&C, and New Testament! I have found so much joy in my personal scripture study.

I hope everyone sets a goal to read the scriptures daily. It doesn't matter which ones just do it (as Bryce would say :)



Sister Tucker :)

So much orange:)

 district picture boulder city on exchanges....so close to the hoover dam.


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