Happy Week! All is Well!


This may sound redundant but this has been a week of miracles.
We had:
10 new investigator
11 member present lessons
and 16 members came out with us :)
That is really awesome for this area :) I have been a super happy missionary this transfer!!!!! Life is so, so, so good. I know that it isn't the numbers that matter but it shows that things are really happening here :) that makes me super duper happy. The members here are getting pumped about missionary work.

Tuesday! We had Brother Klabacka come out with us to visit a potential investigator.. The guy who answered the door told us that the person we were looking for didn't live there anymore... Usually that ends with a door slamming our face, but not today! We started to talk with him and he invited us in. We shared the Restoration with him and his girlfriend! It was so great! Brother Klabacka is a convert to the church and has a son serving Colorado.. He was so excited to be apart of missionary work! We were so excited to have him come with us! We had another neat experience late that day.. We have been trying see Tee and Corey..  And we finally were able to catch them at home.. Tee let us in and began to cry.. She has been feeling very anxious and overwhelmed. She told us that she had been praying that night and then we knocked on her door. It was such a blessing for her. We talked with her about priesthood blessings and how to find peace through reading the Book of Mormon. It was amazing! Just before we were going home we had a lesson with Chermayne and are former investigators Susan was there! We were not planning on having Susan there! It was pretty stressful but it turned out really great!
Wednesday! We had a wonderful lesson with Barbara and Sister Mellor! We shared the Restoration dvd with her and it really touched her heart! She is really sensitive to the spirit! Sister Mellor gave Barbara the Book of Mormon on CDs.. It was really sweet! We also taught Sister Dolly... She had lots of questions!! Some we really didn't know the answers to... But as soon as we opened our mouths they were filled with answers that really touched her heart.
Thursday! What a day!! We had another great lesson with Barbara.. And one with Chermayne as well! They are really doing great!! Brother Klabacka came out with us again this week! He really has caught the wave!!! We have really had a lot of success having the members come out with us!!

Friday! Well this was the day that we found a golden family. We went to contact a man named Jose in the apartments. His wife Liz opened the door and was really, really excited to see us! (must be the Christmas spirit) She was all like "Are you here to say a prayer with us?" and we were like "YOU BET!!!" She told us to come back by at 6 when the whole family would be there!!! SCORE! We did the blessing contact with them and the spirit was SUPERRRRRRRR strong! They are letting us have the first lesson with them tonight :) We also had a great lesson with a less active member. Sister Davis and I have been working very hard on reactivation. We feel like these people need lots of love and support. It is hard to come back to church. Lots of less actives that we talk to have this fear that their church friends don't want them back!!!! But it is the total opposite. This particularly LA knows that the church it true and he and his son are trying hard to come back!!!! Happy day!

Saturday! We met with a part member family! We have been trying to get the husband more involved! But he is a work in progress. We asked him if we could start teaching him the lessons.....he said "Keep asking me and maybe one day I will say yes!" WOW!!!!!! okay well....we will keep working with him....One day he will come around! We told him that the gospel is like starting with a foundation and then building up the walls. His response to that "I AM DONE BUILDING WALLS!" I guess that at one point he worked in construction...Whoops :) But he texted us that night and thanked us for coming over :) YES!!!!!!! We also had a sweet lesson with our investigator Carlie! She is really super nice and she is trying to make her life better......her situation is really tough. I just love her so much though!!!! Now i am starting to see how much Heavenly Father loves his children...especially the ones that struggle...YAY for blessings :)

Sunday! Was such a great day!!!! WE had church then we had an amazing lesson with a couple named max and karla :) They were super nice and they want to know more!!!!! He is more curious then anything, but that is at least something to work with! Then we went to our ward mission leaders home and watched the Christmas Devotional!!!! While watching we helped Sis Morris put the decorations on the tree! IT WAS SO FUN! I have been dying to but up decorations and I got my fill :) I will take a picture and send it next week!

WELL I LOVE YOU ALL TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or maybe the sun.
Hermana Tucker


LOOK WHO I FOUND ON PDAY!?!?!?!?! Beks :)

A beautiful tree outside our house :)   

DONT SHOW THIS TO BRYCE!!!! it is his b-day card :) hahahah! I had fun with it :)  

The cutest member house ever!!!!

I love mexican aloe vera plants :) reminds me of el rancho! we have one outside our house!  


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